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Unlock Bold Change ™ RTT

Are you struggling with anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, unwarranted or excessive fear of life?

Have you tried therapy or are you currently in therapy, but not getting the results you need?

Do you want to feel better or enjoy more of your life, but don’t know how?

You Can Stop the Struggle and Enjoy Life More with…

RTT Hypnotherapy

A revolutionary cutting-edge hypnotherapy program that will change your life forever.

I know because my own experience with RTT was life-changing.

My Story

I had successfully used hypnotherapy in my coaching practice for over 10 years so when I read about RTT Hypnotherapy, I was curious and decided to try it for my own weight loss.

After a 40-year struggle with my soft drink addiction, I knew that decreasing my soda consumption would be necessary to lose weight…it had always been one of my biggest weight-loss obstacles.

Because of my years of personal work and my career as a Change Management Coach, I had a unique understanding of the challenges that often accompany long-term sustainable change. Because of that knowledge and my own change, I knew this new program would benefit others. Traveling to London, I studied at the Imperial College with Marisa Peer so that I could bring RTT Hypnotherapy to my coaching clients.

Five days after RTT Hypnotherapy, my husband remarked that the recycling bin was nearly empty as he put out the garbage. He asked, “Are you cutting back on the soda?” Confused by his question, I said “no.” That was my “aha moment.” I realized I hadn’t thought about soda for several days. This was unthinkable. I was a two-to-five sodas a day kind of person. Intrigued, I noticed soda wasn’t a trigger nor was I tempted to drink it. (or Intrigued, I noticed the soda trigger and temptation was gone.)

With a certification in hand, I was one of only three RTT Therapists in the United States. I am the only one with a full-time professional coaching practice, trademarked tools, advanced training, as well as 16 years of hypnotherapy experience.

Fast Forward to Today

While I am “pro-therapy,” it is not the answer for everyone every time. 75% of my clients had been or currently are in therapy. They call me because they’re not getting the results they want. Once we work together, they typically experience rapid results after their first session.

Five years later, RTT Hypnotherapy remains a powerful and vital tool I regularly use with my clients. Using RTT Hypnotherapy, combined with my trademarked tools and techniques, plus my training based in Brain-Science, Emotional Intelligence, and the Psychology of Happiness, I help my clients overcome a myriad of problems. My specialty includes stress, anxiety, depression, and confidence issues.

Overcome your struggle with:

· Stress

· Anxiety

· Depression

· Confidence Issues

· Feeling Stuck

· Underachieving Goals

YOU CAN Unlock Bold Change just like I did in my own life.

RTT Hypnotherapy, my trademarked tools, and working with me can be the right choice for you. You will Unlock Bold Change so that you can:

  1. Relax

  2. Be Free from Anxiety

  3. Overcome Depression

  4. Become More Confident

  5. Be Successful in Every Area of Life

Why Monique’s Clients Get Results:

“My clients get exceptional results because of my advanced training, 16+ years of experience as a full-time coach, and all of my work is based in Emotional Intelligence, Brain-Science, and the Psychology of Happiness. I use a multitude of tools, techniques, and strategies to get optimum results for my clients.”

If you want your life to change, you have to be proactive. Do something about it! You’ve waited long enough to live your best life. Call today at 412-408-2098 or email

What happens if you don’t make that call?

· You will continue to feel anxious

· Depression will rob you of your zest for life

· You will limit yourself and your opportunities

· Life will be harder than it has to be

· Nothing will change


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