The habit of gratitude shouldn't be confined to just November and December. If expressing gratitude isn't something you do throughout the year, I strongly suggest adopting this practice. Spending just five minutes a day on gratitude can bring transformative benefits, such as:
Reduced anxiety, stress, and depression
Lowered heart rate and blood pressure
Improved sleep and immune health
Stronger relationships
Enhanced resilience to stress
A more optimistic outlook on life
+ More!
For a habit that requires little time, money, or effort, it's a no-brainer to practice gratitude at every opportunity.
If you're looking to establish a daily gratitude habit, one of the exercises I encourage my clients to do every morning is write down 3-5 things they love about their life. This is a wonderful thing to do in the morning to start your day off on a positive note. I encourage you to try it each day for a month and experience the power of gratitude for yourself!
If practicing every day feels daunting, just take it day by day. Challenge yourself to do one (or more) of these exercises for the next five days and see how you feel at the end of the week!
Write down 3-5 things you love about your life.
Don’t think too much about this. It can be anything – big or small. We’re just focusing on what we’re grateful for! Whether it’s the people in your life, your job, your car, the way you feel when someone makes you laugh, how the snow looks when it coats the trees in the winter – anything!
If you want to take this exercise a step further, I designed a Daily Gratitude Journal- packed with inspirational quotes and a bonus meditation- just for you! Grab your own copy on Amazon to take your Gratitude Journey to the next level.
Listen to uplifting music for 30 minutes.
This one’s easy and fun! Turn on some uplifting music in the morning while you get ready, and by the time you’re out the door, you’ve already completed this one for the day. Hey Alexa, play Walking On Sunshine.
Do something nice for someone else.
Random acts of kindness tend to increase around the holidays, but you can really do this anywhere, anytime. It will not only help someone else, it'll make you feel happier, and it may also help you focus more on your surroundings and the people around you – a self-awareness bonus!
Spend 5 minutes focusing on your breathing and being mindful.
Locate a peaceful and comfortable spot where you won't be disturbed. Start by taking three deep breaths, inhaling deeply and exhaling completely. Concentrate on your breathing—notice the sound and sensation. Keep taking these deep breaths, directing your attention to your body. Observe how your body is supported by the chair, bed, or couch you are sitting on. Feel the support it provides. If your feet are on the ground, pay attention to the sensation of your feet touching the floor. Now, imagine the people and things you are grateful for in your life, such as a child, your home, or your pet, while you continue to breathe deeply. If your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to your breath. Before you realize it, five minutes will have passed, leaving you feeling thankful and relaxed.
Pretend you’re one of your friends and pick one thing you’d tell yourself that you like, love, and/or respect about yourself. Write it down.
Would you talk to your closest friends the way you sometimes talk to yourself? Most likely, the answer is no. For this exercise, consider what you would say to your best friends to make them happy. How would you describe them to someone else? There are probably countless things you love about those you are close to. It's time to become your own best friend and start recognizing the things you love about yourself too!
Spend a few minutes each day doing as many of these exercises as you can and observe how it enhances your mood daily. How was your week? Share it with me! Email me at monique@coachmonique.com. I’d love to hear about your week of gratitude!
Discover more about my journey at coachmonique.com.