What is Trauma?
Trauma is a very complex emotional response that many people are all too familiar with, but actually may not be fully aware of the extent it is wreaking havoc in their lives. All too often we are unaware of how a single traumatic event or even years of trauma manifests itself in a myriad of ways that may seem totally unrelated, but are all actually extensions of the original trauma. With the right tools and techniques, you can connect the dots between the trauma and ways in which it is manifesting problems in your life.
Even when we are aware of the trauma and know we need help, we are rarely provided with the tools and education needed to overcome it. In my nearly 20 years of experience, I have helped hundreds of clients uncover the extent of their trauma and overcome it using tools, techniques, and solutions customized to their specific needs.
There are three types of trauma: acute, chronic, and complex.
Acute trauma results from a single incident such as an assault or accident. Chronic trauma develops from repeated and prolonged events, such as domestic violence. Complex trauma develops from exposure to varied and multiple traumatic events, such as profound neglect or ongoing child abuse which is invasive and interpersonal in nature.
All types of trauma cause emotional and physical responses of varying intensity.
According to the American Psychological Association, “Immediately after [a traumatic event], shock and denial are typical. Longer term reactions include unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, strained relationships, and even physical symptoms like headaches or nausea.” Unfortunately most people who experience trauma have suffered with these symptoms and more.
If you have ever experienced a traumatic event or if you suffer from any of the symptoms above, take our quiz to find out if trauma is holding you back from being the happiest version of yourself: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/782T335.
How Does Trauma Affect Your Brain?
Trauma can lead to certain mental illnesses like anxiety and depression and can directly cause Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD.
Trauma mainly affects three important sections of your brain: the amygdala, which is your emotional and instinctual center; the hippocampus, which controls memory; and the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for regulating your emotions and impulses.
Simply put, when a person experiences something traumatic, adrenalin and other neurochemicals rush to the brain and imprint a strong memory. If that trauma is left unhealed, each time you are directly reminded of it or are “triggered” by a seemingly unrelated event, a fight, flight, freeze response is activated in your brain. When that happens your primitive brain becomes activated and the thinking/reasoning portion of your brain becomes deactivated. This is one reason trauma can have lasting effects on all aspects of your life, such as negative relationships with yourself and others. For example, if you were neglected as a child, you may interpret your partner wanting to engage with friends or activities that don’t include you as being abandoned or rejected.
How to Overcome Trauma
RTT Therapy is one of the many Brain Science and Emotional Intelligence-based tools that I use with my clients to help them overcome trauma. I often get asked what makes RTT + Coaching so special and what the differences are between traditional talk therapy and RTT Therapy. These are the 3 key differences:
1. RTT + Coaching can access the subconscious mind whereas traditional therapy focuses on the conscious mind
2. RTT + Coaching is designed to provide rapid results. Many of my clients experience change beginning in the very first session
3. RTT + Coaching gives you the tools, techniques, and strategies needed for rapid results and long-term, sustainable change
Read more about the differences between RTT + Coaching and traditional talk therapy in my blog post: The REAL difference between Traditional Therapy and Rapid Transformational Therapy.
How Does RTT Therapy + Coaching Work?
RTT Therapy is a combination of the most effective principles of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP), and Hypnotherapy. CBT uses a conversation-based approach with a therapist to explore patterns of challenging behavior or traumatic memories, however this approach only focuses on thoughts and behaviors that are conscious, and many of our deepest held thoughts and beliefs reside in the subconscious mind.
Because traditional talk therapy focuses on thoughts and beliefs you are aware of, many people do not experience the results they want and need. In fact, 75% of my clients have been or currently are in therapy when they reach out to me. Once we begin to work together and discover the deeply-held subconscious thoughts and beliefs that are controlling their behavior, they are able to begin experiencing results as quickly as the first session.
When we use RTT Therapy + Coaching, we are able to dive into the thoughts, beliefs, expectations, and interpretations of past experiences that you may not be aware are controlling your daily behavior and therefore your life. Because of this, the typical results are achieved much more rapidly than they are with traditional therapy.
Additionally, Hypnotherapy, NeuroLinguistic Programming and other brain health related modalities can teach the mind to reframe and release the grip of trauma. These are only a handful of the techniques I utilize to help my clients overcome trauma, depression, anxiety, stress, and relationship issues.
RTT Therapy remains a powerful and vital tool I regularly use with my clients. Using RTT in combination with Coaching that is based in Brain-Science, Emotional Intelligence, and the Psychology of Happiness, I help my clients overcome a myriad of issues with my RTT + Coaching Program so they can Unlock Bold Change™ in their lives.
In addition to trauma, RTT + Coaching can help you overcome your struggle with:
Confidence Issues
Relationship Issues
Feeling Stuck
If nothing changes, nothing changes and you will continue to:
Feel anxious, stressed, and depressed
Let depression rob you of your zest for life
Limit yourself and your opportunities
Make life harder than it has to be
You don’t have to suffer any longer. With my RTT + Coaching Program that is fully customizable to your unique needs, I can help you break free from the issues that are holding you back so you can relax, be free from anxiety, overcome depression, become more confident, improve your relationships, and achieve success in every area of your life.