Springtime, for many, means spring cleaning. It’s that tedious task when we go through our house and start purging old belongings and begin cleaning every inch of our homes to get a fresh start for the warmer months ahead. We do this like clockwork every year, but why don’t we spring clean our life the same way we spring clean our home? Our homes are important, however, how we feel about our life affects everything around us – including our homes. Keep reading below to get a jumpstart on spring cleaning your life this year.
Clean up your relationships
It goes back to the old sayings, “find out who your friends are,” and “it’s better to have a few good friends than a lot of friends.” Look at your world and really think about the relationships you have with people. Are they good for you? Do they make you a better person? Do you feel happy when you are around them? These are just a few questions to ask yourself. Relationships in your life make a huge impact, so make sure you are the one who is in control.
Clean up your finances
This is way easier said than done, and more than likely will not be done during one short season. Budgeting is a great way to start cleaning up other aspects of your life, as well. It helps you to prioritize what is important in your life and what you’re just spending money on for short-term satisfaction. Look at everything going on, make a budget, make sure you breathe and realize that having a plan is only half the battle.
Clean up your health
Did you have every promising intention on January 1st to stick to your New Year’s resolutions but then obstacle after obstacle happened? This is another chance to get motivated to start again. The trick to this is to do what feels right for you. You are unique and you need to figure out what works within your lifestyle. For some, it’s running six miles a day, for others its yoga, or going on hikes. There are so many ways to clean up your health to create a better life for you!
Clean up your social media
We all follow people we want to look like or search for things we want to have. This can cause you to have negative feelings about yourself and your life. Why bring this negativity into your life when your life is unique and perfect for you?! Unfollow. Unfriend. Stop searching for anything that will have a negative impact on your life.
Although these are a way to spring clean your life, you can work on these areas all year round! These are ideal habits to get into to help your life always feel refreshed. Needing help finding other ways to feel better about life? Click here to read this post, National Hangover Day: Three Things You Can Do Today to Feel Better About Your Life.